Sunday, August 15, 2010

Are Kuwaiti Men Romantic?!

لو أنَّ حبَّكِ كانْ

في القلبِ عاديَّا

لمَلَلْتُهُ مِن كَثرةِ التَّكرارْ

لكنَّ أجملَ ما رأيتُ بِحبِّنا

هذا الجنونُ ، وكثرةُ الأخطارْ

I know all men are not alike neither are we women;
But Im just wondering since 
some women are too emotional and mushy woshy lol and tend to expect the same from the other side.
Now do men consider being romantic
a sign of weakness or just bullshit?!
For those lucky romantic men what do they find romantic?
Is it compliments,gifts,quality time together or just a rose and a card? I know for women the list goes on lool. Just a thought I had when seeing the clip below:)

A man proposing to his bride where he sang her a love song he wrote
how romantic is that?!! awwwwwwww
Great voice bro:)
ليش ماعندنا جذي هههههههه

Question is would it last?? I doubt lol...


  1. I think yes, they are romantic yet they don't show it as they should.
    I do believe that a kuwaiti man does cherish his wife more than any other man in the world, but does not show it right to his woman. we need more than just the emotions deep inside you guys! we need to hear it out. Things like opinning the car door to your woman or a kiss goodbye in the morning before going to work are from the simplist things that could show your love, so why not:)

  2. princess: are u sure !!! lol
    then def the men ur talking about r a minority with all do respect to the rest maybe like u said they just dont show it!

    So c'mon guys show ur women some love !

    ps: I dont just want simple things a cruise ,a diamond ring or a new car is fine with me looool ادري طماعه

    الله يرزق بناتنا بازواج قمة في الرومانسية
    وعيالنا بزوجات قمة في الحنية هههه

  3. السؤال الصح

    هل البنات رومانسيين ؟

    انا أقول الاثنين إي والاثنين لا

  4. Frankom: يه يه يه زارتنا البركه

    والله شوف البنات في منهم رومانسي حيل لدرجه الغثيان
    مثل مسرحية المتزوجون " قلة حبنا و صرصار حبنا" هههه
    وفي منهم ادعل يشوفون ان الروماتسية شي سخيف
    وحجي فاضي
    واظن نفس الشي ينطبق على الرياييل


  5. Maybe they want to be romantic, but don't know how! ;p wallah fe fe romantic guys. I tend to tie the notion of being romantic with being thoughtful. Let them be thoughtful o yamshi el7al ;)

  6. Ambrosial: well said:)
    but some lack that " thoughtfullnes" still lol
    we will give em a second chance p:~

  7. I don't like romantic guys! Ma7eb a7ad yalzig feeni 24/7 o a7ebich wamoot 3alaich ya ba3ad chabdi o ya ba3ad 3umri! Waaay laa a7is bs thinking about that yatni qamta!

    7alata 6abee3i, laho romantic wala nashif. Ya3ni every once in a while kelma 7elwa wila hadeya mo motawaqa3a bs mo kil youm kil youm!

    7ady romantic ha? ;p

  8. Vainglorious: looooooooooooool

    اي اصلا انتي ام الرومانسية مالومج الحين الوضع غير ياسرايين يا ظلمة ماكو حل وسط

    انا مثلج تقريبا بس ماقول لا حق الهدايا هههههه

    وانا ايضا من مؤيدين الفجه والبريك مابين الزوجين مو مجابلين بعض طول الوقت ههههه

  9. Vainglorious:
    That's not romantic, that's obsession! I would hate that! Qamta, khl nowlah ishway! ;p lol

  10. :) الموضوع حلو

    من رأيي ان وايد رياييل يفسرون الرمانسية على انها ضعف او خضوع وهذا طبعا خطأ أو انهم بالاساس ما عاشوا احساس الحب الحقيقي, يعني اللي اقصده ممكن لأنه وايد علاقات تكون من نوع حب العشرة او العيش والملح وليست من نوع الحب الرمانسي لأن حتى الحب انواع واشكال :) كذلك ممكن يكون الروتين والحياة اليومية اهما السبب

  11. Ambrosial: Vainglorious خانها التعبير شوي هههه

    Taz:كلام سليم
    اما بخصوص الروتين والحياة اليومية ترى اهما سبب قاتل للرومانسية

    الاعتدال مطلوب المفروض الريال يمسك العصى من النص لا يكون حيل جاف ولا يكون حيل لزقه ههههه

  12. i know i am romantic and i love to express my feelings.
    its not weakness. being in love means we r both one.
    my expression of romance is by sharing.. i like to share a song or a joke or watch a tv show or a movie together.
    sharing a nice place or view.
    i believe sharing a quality time together is the best way to be romantic.

    u made me break my break.

  13. yes one more thing.. from some of the comments.. some ppl think that being romantic is boring or dull .. they think that romance is all about poetry and saying love words and gazing at someone eyes for 24 hrs.
    thats only one part of being romantic. and its not fare to judge on romance from this perspective.
    romance is love, caring, sharing, making ur love-one feel happy, wanted, most important person. u make them laugh out loud.
    being a responsible person and attend ur duties is romantic.
    being dedicated is romantic.
    it is about admiring beauty and seeking perfection.
    romance is so many thing.
    its not just saying i love u. its how u act upon it.

  14. 3ijabni elmawthoo3:)
    elromaciah ehene blnisbah llrajl enna e5af 3ala murtah o era3eha o edareha, bs moo shar6, mithl ma galat Vainglorious, ena lazm ejabl murtah 24/7 o a7bch o t7ibini l2ana blnihaya ra7 emiloon mn ba3ath.
    7alat elrayal ekoon thigeel o feh 5ushoona o elmarah ehya elromancia l2na el3wa6f o elmasha3r rabna sub7ana 7a6ha fe elmara akthar mn elrayal.
    ma a7b lamn elrajl,mithl ma gal reemas, egool 3n nafsa romancee l2na a7sa yafqida mn haibta, masha3r el7ub o elromanciah mutabadalh bain elzojen bs 7ilo kl wa7d emathl doorah elasai o ekoon bainhom e5tilaf blrai o elehtimamat l2na hatha ehoo eli e5ali 7ayathom tkoon moo mumilah o tstimr.
    o 3ala goolat sedra, elbreak bain elzojain 7ilo o ana ashoofa ma6loob.
