Sunday, August 22, 2010

Anya Hindmarch

Etkeshft eny mn balasht al blog ma 7a6ait wala fashion-related post:!!
Lazim enmares onothatna showi LOL
I just love Anya Hindmarch bags so classy and elegant
and guess what ma7ad qaldaha so far lol
Mix of old and new seasons , hope u like em too:)))


  1. a7la shy inich Etkeshfty mo Ekteshfty:p

    i liked the style of this brand, it is really cool and classy

    thanx for this zgert post:)


  2. Anonymous:Bul Bul Bul LOOooooOOL agoool tara I can edit wo correct the post bs ro7ee reyathia gona leave it anyway etha 3ala albadlyiat wo altypos wyeeeed btet3beeeen kafee mako arabic eb my spare laptop wo 9aymaaa :p~

  3. LOL @ Anonymous
    Sedro! Ana agool tesataray ba3dain tefalsifay ;p

    Bs wallah 5osh styles ;)

  4. i like her designs, soo lady like.
    consediring the fisrt pic, we Must get a mood board bldawam, i soooooo need one! 3shan a3dl mooody;)

  5. Vainoo!! luzoom enbalgh alshai5 bil salfa! heuyy!

    princess: wallah low etybeen mood boardat al3alm kilaha there will always be that someone that can ruin that mood for ya :p~
