I know its missing the H bs legait ha eb montada ma9ri lol:P
I'm off to Dubai for few days to celebrate my B-Day 3eshtooo!!! :P
(a7la b-day gift mn dad hal trip yat ebwagt ha)
bs hal shay ma yemn3 iny astqabl altahani wo alhadayaa
I can cash in the gifts wo astfeed damni emsafra
wili yamer 3ala shay mn ehnak e7wal le floos al details adzha via email sewalf yebee le wo ana a36eech tali ma yamshee 3indi ana !!!
almohem ma aw9eekom 3ala BLOGGY!!
sha2ro 3alih bain fatra wo fatra wo make sure e6foon al kahreba wo etgafloon albeeban almshra3a mo ayee alga kil shay emba6al ana m3a al7ekoma bil tarsheed!
estawda3tkom allah al lathe la tathe3o wada2e3oh
wyyyyy babchee;((((
bafgdkom madree shaswee eb 3omri..miss u mn al7een:(
bs bs Sedra enough with the drama (wai3 mo lyg bs gilt ajrb lol)
Yala enjoy ur weekend wo ray7oo min Sedrat Al3eshaq
Adios Amigos/Amigas ;P